Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I am done teaching LAM for the year! I am also exhausted and sick. I started this blog because so many things were happening that I thought were funny or important and wanted a place to record them. I hope to be able to look back after I've been doing this for 10 years and am jaded and tired, then remember what it was like to be fresh faced and naive. But I've been so incredibly busy these last few weeks, at work and at home. So I haven't recorded anything. And I don't even feel motivated to go back and record anything. Sorry self. I will say that a student from 2 weeks ago saw me at Subway and shouted "Hi Wendy!!" and waved, so I felt pretty great that she was comfortable enough to talk to me in public. I also had a girl from a class call me and ask what to do if her boyfriend pressured her for sex without a condom, as her last boyfriend did. I answered her questions, thanked her for calling, then my heart broke a little bit.

Overall, it was a wonderful 2 weeks, it just wiped me out.

1 comment:

Josh Ebener said...

Hey Wendy, I've enjoyed reading your blogs, keep them coming. You are doing important work.