Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Darling Doggie

When I arrived home yesterday, I discovered that Dorothy, my german shepard, had vomited water chestnuts, carrot slices and q-tips all over my bedspread. Today the content was less diverse, but equally disgusting. I am tired of washing my sheets, but am pleased to say that the homemade laundry soap is meeting even this gross-tacular challenge.

Also, today was the assembling and first use of our push reel lawn mower. My darling husband assembled it for me (as well as installing a clothesline! Oh joyous day!). We had decided that mowing would be my job since I wanted the push reel mower, but, as with many new toys, he was eager to try it out and ended up mowing most of the yard(sweet!). My verdict: Pushing this machine is almost identical to using the push style gas mower of my childhood. Hills are a little tricky, but otherwise the difficulty is no different. The benefits: only using my energy, so quiet that Chris and I could talk as I mowed, no stinky fumes, better for the grass. I love it! Even the doubtful hubby said "What a good idea you had!"

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